Certifications and quality


  • CE Marking

CE marking confirms the product conformity with the European regulations.

CE Marking is based on a framework of European norms which determine essential characteristics to be taken into account for a specific product in relation to a specific application. The new regulation also specifies the methods of assessment and of expression of these characteristics.

CE S (Structural)

Assessment and verification of the performances in accordance with system 2+. CE S applies to all panel products intended for use in a structural application in construction (flooring, roofing, wall-sheathing). In the case of CE S marked panel products intended for a load bearing application the communication of characteristic values to be used for the calculation in structural design is mandatory. In addition the factory production control of the manufacturer has to be certified by a third party notified body.

All plywood products manufactured by the THEBAULT GROUP intended for use in structural applications are marked EN 636-1 S, EN 636-2 S or EN 636-3 S.

► Download: CE2+ Structure Certificat, TeboPin range – 100% Maritime pine

► Download: CE Structure Certificat , TeboPly range

► Download: CE Structure Certificat , TeboPlus range

CE NS (Non structural)

Assessment and verification of the performances in accordance with system 4. CE NS applies to panel products for general purpose without structural function. This marking shows that the product has been submitted to a factory test. The technical characteristics of the product are declared by the manufacturer without the intervention of a third party notified body.

CE 1 – Fire Performance

CE 1 refers to flame-retardant panel products. In addition to the requirements of system 2+, the third party notified body involved will control the fire reaction classification of the product.
Both TEBOFLAM OKOUME and TEBOPIN FLAM are fire treated plywood panels and their fire reaction classification is shown e.g. B,s1,d0 or B,s2,d0.

► Download: Reaction to fire classification report, TeboFlam

► Download: CE1 certificate of constancy of performance TeboFlam

► Download: Reaction to fire classification report, TeboPin Flam

► Download : CE1 certificate of constancy of performance teboflam TeboPin Flam 

  • UKCA Marking

The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking is the mark that allows products to be placed on the market in the UK.

The UKCA marking came into force following the Brexit and replaces the CE marking in England, Wales and Scotland.

► Download: UKCA certificate of constancy of performance TeboPin – 100% Maritime Pine

► Download: UKCA certificate of constancy of performance TeboPin Flam

► Download: UKCA certificate of constancy of performance TeboPly

► Download: UKCA certificate of constancy of performance TeboFlam


  • Volatile substance A+

Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

As they may be intended for indoor use, construction products must have a sanitary sign on the level of emissions of their Volatile Organic Components (VOCs) indicating to the user the impact of a product on air quality. 

The Thebault Group’s plywood products thus have the lowest VOC rate, indicated by the letter A+ on the sanitary labels of the products. 

  • EPA – TSCA Title VI certification

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States has introduced the American Regulation regarding formaldehyde emissions for composite  wood products.

The EPA TSCA Title VI (CARB ULEF) certification covering the plywood products manufactured by the THEBAULT GROUP has been issued  by the approved third party certifier (TPC)  inspection and certification body WOOD.BE

  • marine plywood BS 1088

BS 1088 is the British standard which defines a number of characteristics of plywood for use in marine construction. 

The characteristics of the TeboMarine Okoumé throughout plywood, intended for boatbuilding are controlled by the FCBA certification agency.

► Download: TeboMarine BS 1088 conformity certificate

Quality marks
  • NF Exterieur CTB-X Mark

This is a quality mark awarded after a manufacturer voluntarily submits their products to controlling by an independent body. This mark confirms a product’s conformity to a specific reference system.

NF Extérieur CTB-X is an AFNOR certification managed by FCBA, which carry the surveillance of the in house controls carried out by the manufacturers and certifies product performance by mean of random sampling taken in the factory and submitted to laboratory analysis. The NF Extérieur CTB-X mark determines the quality level of the gluing for use in exterior conditions, the selection of durable wood species for producing the plywood and the mechanical properties of the plywood.

Plywoods manufactured by the THEBAULT Group which qualify for this mark are either stamped on their edge or on their face with the mention NF Extérieur CTB-X 42.

► Download: NF Ext. CTB-X Quality Certificate , TeboPly range

► Download: NF Ext. CTB-X Quality Certificate , TeboPin range – 100% Maritime Pine

  • KOMO mark

The KOMO quality mark, used in the Netherlands, confirms that products conform with the technical specifications set out in National Assessment Directive BRL 1705.

Like the French NF Extérieur CTB-X certification, KOMO is a more rigorous standard than the CE system.

► Download: Komo Quality Certificate

  • BFU 100 mark
The BFU 100 quality mark is based on the conditions of the German standard DIN 68705 – Part 3, the reference system for use in the building sector.

THEBAULT plywood sold under the various TEBOPIN brand names are BFU 100 certified IAW DIN 68705 Part 3.

► Download: BFU 100 Quality Mark, TeboPin range 100% Maritime Pine

NF Exterior CTB-X plywood