The forestry ecolabels
- PEFC : Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes

Maritime Pine and Poplar plywood manufactured by the THEBAULT Group carry the PEFC eco-label, which ensures that all of our processed wood originates from sustainably managed forests, not only in terms of forestry resources but also from a socio-economical perspective to enhance the well-being and rights of the populations concerned.
PEFC certification is based around certification of forests and certification of companies working in the wood sector, allowing users to trace the progress of their wood from forest to the warehouse .This is the PEFC Chain of Custody.
The Maritime Pine and Poplar plywood production facilities are PEFC certified, PEFC Chain of Custody, PEFC certification number 10-31-663 (Qual/05-92), issued by QUALISUD.
► Download: PEFC Chain of Custody Certification
- FSC® : Forest Stewardship Council

So far as our Okoume plywood panel production in France, the THEBAULT Group has decided to sign up to the FSC® certification scheme.
FSC® runs a certification system which includes standards, an accreditation system and a logo, easily recognisable to companies and organisations keen to participate in the establishment of sustainable forestry development. FSC® certification requires the producer to meet a number of technical specifications which represent the principles and key criteria of sustainable forestry management. Certification also allows buyers to easily identify wood products produced from sustainable forests, thanks to a highly visible logo. The FSC® label provides a reliable link between responsible production and consumption of forest products, allowing buyers to make an informed decision and select products which respect the ecology of our forests, which carry social benefits and are economically viable.
The Okoumé plywood production facility is FSC® certified, FSC® Chain of Custody (CoC) certification number BV-COC-112682, issued by BUREAU VERITAS CERTIFICATION France -Paris La Défense (92).
► Download: FSC® Chain of Custody Certification
THEBAULT Group is fully compliant with the European Union’s Timber Regulation (EUTR), within the framework of the FLEGT Action Plan (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade), which aims to completely eradicate illegal wood from the European market.
The EU Timber Regulation includes 3 key requirements for the operators
- Ban on illegally harvested timber in Europe
- The regulation prohibits the placing of illegally harvested timber or timber products on the EU market for the first time.
- The ban applies to numerous products listed in the regulation’s annex
► Download: EUTR declaration due Diligence System THEBAULT Group
Controlling the impact of our industrial activitY
In addition to the official certifications, our environmental policy is guided by a commitment to controlling the impact of our industrial activities on the environment.
- Log supply of Maritime Pine and Poplar in forest areas close to our production units the production units.
- Water and energy consumption under strict control during the manufacturing process of our plywood products.
- Optimization of the logistic channels circuits and transport related impacts by combining several products on the same truckload.
- Valorization of production wastage with the reselling of related by products such as peeler cores, barks, or the manufacture of densified logs made from veneer chips and off-cuts.
- Use of biomass as energy supply in the production sites.
Wood ressources